Digital marketing for home builders who want to reach the right buyers.
Elevate your digital presence and boost conversions with Group Two's analytics-driven digital marketing program, leveraging cutting-edge techniques from hyper-geo-targeting to sophisticated audience segmentation.
Fast Facts
Ads Reached Active Home Buyers in 2024
the Average Digital Ad CTR
SEM Campaigns in 2024
Digital Campaigns in 2024
Social Ads
Web Dev
We reach buyers online through a mix of paid search, remarketing, programmatic display advertising, video advertising, organic and paid social media, SEO best practices, and specialized website development. We also get super local and granular by using hyper-geo-targeted campaigns through GPS, geo-fencing, IP targeting, mapping applications, and more.
Whether it’s pre-selling a new community or selling inventory homes, your Group Two Digital team will develop a strategy to give you a competitive edge in your market. Your campaigns will be analytics and data-driven, leverage the latest in demographic, behavioral, and intent targeting, and will be based on your sales goals and target demographics. Here’s how we do it!
Paid Search, Display, and Remarketing
With our Premier Google Partner badge, Group Two is equipped to position your brand in front of the right buyers. Our core strategy consists of paid search, intent-based Google Display Network, remarketing, and conversion tracking. Your digital marketing team will send you a detailed report every month with key performance indicators, insights, and trends accompanied by analysis and recommendations so that you’re always part of the strategic process.
Show Up Where Buyers Spend Time
From pinpointed SEO tactics to captivating social media campaigns, we’re here to elevate your brand and drive real results.
Organic and Paid Social
Group Two’s social warriors think in hashtags and GIFs, and fight against the algorithms. They’re ready to dig deep into your strategy and spice up your social channels, from Facebook and Instagram to LinkedIn and beyond. These days, social media is a must-have for any home builder. We know when to pay to play, and when to let organic content do its thing. We make social media for home builders fun, exciting, and engaging – for you and your audience.